Directorate of Surveys and Lands
The Surveys and Lands Directorate is primarily responsible for surveying and mapping of all lands. It is also responsible for the administration of State Lands. The Division supervise all Licensed Surveyors and approves all survey plans for State and Private Lands.
The Directorate has the mandate to develop state topography: provide cartographic and topographic data, implement a standardized national coordinate system, survey of all lands (including urban, sub-urban and rural territories), demarcate private and state land boundaries, conduct a comprehensive registration of land title, and compile and maintain a comprehensive record of lands in the country.
The overall objective of the Surveys and Lands Directorate is to attain an effective land delivery system through efficient land administration and management practices.
Land Management Strategies
The overarching strategy for land management aims to:
- Improve and strengthen the existing land administration and management systems;
- Institute reforms in relation to regulation that govern the way in which land ownership rights and obligations are determined;
- Ensure and promote participation of local communities and relevant stakeholders in the planning, designing and implementation process, with special emphasis on gender equality;
- Support programs for improved landscape management to sustain long-term land productivity.